These are EXTRA LARGE 5/8 eye bareroots, far larger than is offered on most sites, so should take fewer years to bloom well. "From the moment these stunning flowers start to open, they treat you to a daily transformation. Starting out as vibrant red, the blooms become brighter each day. After just two days, you'll witness a shift from red to dark pink, then to salmon. But the show doesn't stop there! As the days go by, these remarkable peonies transition from peach to cream and finally to a pristine white. . . . Each bursting bud opens into a big, beautiful flower, offering a spectacular display of colors that will leave you in awe. Not only are these peonies a joy to watch, but they also have a long vase life, allowing you to enjoy their ever-changing beauty for even longer." * Plant Height: 40-50 inches *Description and photos are from Dutch Grown. They have far more variety than I'm able to stock, so feel free to check out their selection as well.


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